We brought you 'StuntCopter' and 'ZeroGravity'... and we want you to enjoy our newest offering... 'Cairo ShootOut'!! We realize you've paid some $$'s (Download time, Public Domain disks, or other) to get 'Cairo'. Please think of those dollars as a Distributor's fee. We'd like to get our 'Author's fee' if you decide to keep 'Cairo'.
This copy of the program contains ALL the features of the game including increasing difficulty thru Level 15 (we've made it to Level 18 a time or two!) and a search for the secret 'King's Tomb'. In the 'Locked' mode some features are disabled. (Only Locked copies of the game may be distributed)
To permanently 'Unlock' all the features of 'Cairo' a 'Double KeyCode' must be matched. The #1 KeyCode is created by the program. The #2 KeyCode is obtained by sending the #1 KeyCode and $3.00 to: (use 'PRINT ORDER FORM' option for order form.)
Duane Blehm
HomeTown Software
848 N. Colorado
Ulysses,KS. 67880
We'll do our best to get your #2 KeyCode in return mail within one business day. Once the #2 KeyCode is entered and all the features are permanently 'Unlocked' the game can be freely used without nuisance.